Boots KB2


*Exchange is not possible for sizes below 40 and above 46.

Jonas, Damir und 5,200+ andere sind zufriedene Kuvet Kunden.

✓ Handmade in cca. 20-25 working days

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  • Handgefertigt in unserer Manufaktur
  • Obermaterial: italienisches Rindsleder
  • Innenmaterial: natürlich gegerbtes Futterleder
  • Außensohle: Ledersohle mit Gummieinsätzen
  • Gewachste Schnürsenkel
  • Standardbreite

Hand lasted.

Lasting is the most important part of production. The shoe upper is shaped by pulling it on the mold, and by pulling the grooves on the sole, the upper and lower part of the shoe can be connected. Hand lasting plays a major role in defining the comfort of the final product and is far superior to machine lasting.


The filler will adapt to the form of your foot, creating not only maximum comfort in a truly bespoke manner, but also providing extra cushioning due to the cellular structure of the cork.

Specially for you

All of our shoes are made to order. After your order, your permiun shoes will be handcrafted specially for you and delivered to your address within approx. 30 working days. With such a setup we reduce waste and help the environment.

Slow fashion.

In times when everything has to go fast, we try to shift down a gear - with our slow fashion concept we try to do something good for our world. You help us place sustainability in the foreground and reduce mass production.

Leather Working Group.

For our Kuvet shoes, bags and belts we only use the best materials from European manufacturers. The leather we use comes from cowhides that are exclusively a by-product of the meat industry. All of the tanneries we work with are certified by the Leather Working Group.

Extended lifespan.

We offer a re-soling service for all of our shoes. By replacing a worn-out sole, we enhance the shoes’ durability, enabling you to enjoy your favorite pair for much longer.

Sustainable production.

With socially responsible production, transparent working conditions and environmentally friendly natural materials, we create stylish shoes of the highest quality.

Design your shoes.

If you want your unique pair of Kuvet shoes, contact us at

Customer Reviews

Based on 41 reviews
Danijel T.

Savršene čizme, vrhunska kvaliteta, dobio sam preporuku za broj 42 i savršeno je odgovarao!

Dragan L.

Vrhunski proizvod svjetske klase

Reid L.

Upravo sam dobio svoje cizme, malo sam duze cekao nego sto sam ocekivao, ali obzirom da se radi o rucnoj izradi se nikad ne zna. Cizme izgledaju odlicno i jako su udobne, jedva ih cekam nositi.

Elvis M.

Udobne i elegantne 👍!

Ivan D.

Odlicne,jako udobne i kvalitetne😃
Malo reci odusevljen 😃
Sve preporuke za Kuvet shoes😃